Monday, June 30, 2008

Yosemite & The Hike to Half Dome

So we braved the 18 mile hike to Half Dome... it was a beautiful hike, though for those wary of heights the end was straining. I chickened out on the cables and didn't attempt them this time around... hoping to muster up some courage for next year, but will have to wait and see! For now, it was an absolutely beautiful and breathtaking experience in mother nature. How lucky are we to live in such a gorgeous state!

More Patio Pics

Monday, June 23, 2008

Hike to Deadwood

Friday, June 20, 2008

Konnichiwa Rouge-San

Goodbye Element

Peter hit 103,000 miles on the Element so we had to say goodbye. I almost cried- it was the first car we bought together... many a roadtrip was enjoyed in that car, including a four day roadie from Dallas, through post-Katrina New Orleans, Alabama and then the beautiful Florida panhandle. Seems silly to be sad over a car, but we have many fond memories camping out in Walmart parking lots, Shreveport casinos, and even Lake Mendocino.

Element, here's to you. We will miss you.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

1/3 Complete

Whewee- what a project! One month and only 1/3 of the way done!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Patio's In

2 more weekends, and we finally finished the patio: